I added 10 blogs to follow as gadgets to the right of my blog posts. These I can follow daily throughout the rest of this summer course. I'm finding that I am not a fan of RSS feeds. I don't need to know up to the minute when new information comes in. I much prefer to bookmark blogs, news sites and informational websites, then throughout the week, read new posts at one sitting, blogs at another sitting another day, farming information at yet another time, and other things I am interested in when I am working on a particular task. I don't know the exact amount I have bookmarked. My best guess is somewhere between 50 and 100, probably closest to 80.
If I am knitting something, I will read some knitter's blogs to get pointers on stumbling blocks I am experiencing or see a new technique or pattern. I can email or leave a comment on their blog, or share it with another person who is interested in knitting or learning how to knit.
I haven't yet tried to quilt with my sewing machine and have found a group of bloggers who provide step-by-step lessons to teach me how. It's a goal I have set for myself with a new skill that I was not even aware of prior to reading this group of blogs.
I keep up with many farming blogs and websites for someday when I can restart my beginning farm. It's a goal I have that has been postponed until some future date. My children are not interested in farming at this time and it is not something I can do by myself while working a full time job. So for now it looks like it is a part of my retirement plan. So reading about animal husbandry, grass management, and adding value to harvested products I read in a chunk, take notes and file the information away.
Technology blogs and websites I read in chunks also. While working on the instructional website I refer to many resources pertaining to web site design and development. I would like to achieve mastery level in creating websites and am a long way from the necessary 10,000 (?) hours to become an expert.
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